Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't even exist in this world.
I don't feel alive.
The innerworld to my state of mind, feelings and emotions.
What the hell am I doing? Why am I wasting things that I shouldn't have?
Just this afternoon, I was very happy to receive an email saying that I've gotten 4 tickets for my conferment. I was literally jumping with joy.
Hours later, I am feeling depressed. Mood is certainly swinging wildly..
I may have said this before. I am not a good conversationalist. Can't really engage in and stimulate conversations. I like to listen but am not attentive to details. Also, can't remember the conversations. Memory sucks. I suppose to be a good conversationalist, u need to know how to engage in conversations and listen carefully and properly.
Someone said that having conversations with urself is schizophrenic. Probably it is really so. I always talk to myself and reply to it in my mind. I rarely say out my innermost thoughts and resort to crying to soothe my mind and soul. I wonder if I can communicate my feelings and thoughts properly through words and speeches.
Inferiority is having fun with me. I am succumbing to it.
Ah, it's not a really good way to end a Tuesday.
I'm shocked. Unprepared and confronted with an unexpected twist to what has been happening. Been prepping mentally for what's going to happen but totally caught unaware by the latest development.
To the spiritual beings up there, please please help me. Give me a peace of mind. Pls watch over me and see that things turn out smoothly.
After 2 years of hard work, I've finally completed my studies! Woohoo!!!
My final leap to completing my study but I have a tiny sense of complacency..
Finally! My assignment's all done! I am so damn relief.. It's been a tiring two months with deadline every week... stretched to the limit... glad I survived it!!! ^_^